Untitled: Picking Up Dinner Scraps

Aug 19, 2022


A nine-to-five never suit me
I get hay fever from corporate speak
I’m a simple man with simple pleasures
The heat of Lagos traffic clouds my thoughts

Still I strive

My car strayed off Third mainland
When they pulled me out
I found you in the wreckage

Love and a mid-life crisis go hand in hand
You, five years younger
Your youth an infection

You’re the home in my apartment
I brush my teeth, shower, take a dump in your crevices
I don’t pay attention to Netflix

You are my 9–5

Holidays are exciting and short;
Vacations never last forever

A nine-to-five never suit me
But I’m here
It’s a new year and I’m
Tied up straight in one.

Taken from my Notes November 3, 2021.

